Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Patience and Virtue

Why am I down today? What's triggered these feelings of emptiness? Seeing my ex? Hearing a love song? Seeing someone get kissed? The scent of a woman? Could be many things I guess. They say patience is a virtue. At times I feel I am running out of both. Patience or Virtue? They seem to go hand in hand cause if I lose patience I may lose virtue. If I remain virtuous I may be lonely forever. Hell of a catch 22.

They say all good things come to those that wait. Just sit idly by and let love land on your shoulder like a butterfly. When you least expect it, it will come. Not sure if I believe that though. Last I looked I don't have any butterflies in my house. So if I don't go outside how will one land on my shoulder? Be at the right place at the right time? Yeah that makes me feel better.

I guess it's safe to say I am in a rut. Not with it. Not feeling it. Getting frustrated. I miss being loved. Having a love song. Being kissed. Smelling her as she walks by. Holding hands. Why do these elude me so? I am not perfect. I am not looking for perfect. Is there really not one for me? Just one! Not asking for much here.

OK. I'll stop bitching. Sometimes I just can't help but let these feelings out. It doesn't make me feel any better but at least I'm not harboring how I feel. I will take a deep breath and remember the words of the prayer: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference." Or in the words of Epictetus: "Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens."

I'll do my best.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Days On End (Originally Written April 6th, 2009; Modified Sept 04, 2013)

There are days I feel so overwhelmed.
There are days I feel like I can't make it.
There are days I wonder why today?
There are days I wish would never come.

Those are The days I don't want to get out of bed.
Those are The days I just can't sleep.
Those are The days I wonder is this all there is?
Those are The days I can't wait to end.

That's when I wonder why I get so down.
That's when I remember what I have been taught.
That's when I discover what else I need to do.
That's when I am lifted up.

Then I feel moved.
Then I feel strengthened.
Then I feel His peace.
Then I am renewed.

These are the days I wake up for.
These are the days I know I can make it through.
These are the days I know there are no more questions.
These are the days I live for.

Nowhere To Stop (originally written April 28, 2010)

It's dark here.
This place where I live.
Huddled in a corner
like a child.
Wondering where life
has gone.
Going in circles
with nowhere to stop.
I am alone.
Loved and lost.
Lost without love.
Where are you?
Come find me.
Listen for my heart
and bring in the light.